Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Lose Love Handles - 6 Proven Steps

If you'd like to learn how to lose your love handles, you've came across the perfect article. I'll show you exactly what you should do. Don't just skim through this article, read it through, so that you don't miss none of the necessary steps you need to take that allows you to lose your love handles.

Everyone knows the way it feels: We've got stubborn fat at either side of our abdomen which bulges out if we wear tight clothing. For ladies it's a whole lot worse because having love handles can make it unattractive to wear tank tops or shirts which expose their belly. Lots of women and men look into the the mirror carefully each time they leave for work or pleasure to make certain they have their love handles covered. This is a shame since you can eliminate your love handles using the right exercise and dieting routine.

Love handles are deposits of stubborn fat which accumulate on the sides of the abdomen. Losing love handles requires one to start a routine which consists of 6 steps.

6 Steps To Get Rid Of Love Handles

1. Perform interval cardio workouts – Lots of people make the big mistake of performing long cardio workouts at a very steady pace. This is usually a mistake. Doing interval cardio training burns off much more fat plus works the stomach muscles which also helps with those love handles. Interval cardio is accomplished by alternating between a few minutes of intense cardio, like running at a very fast pace, and the slowing down for a few minutes with a much less intense pace like power walking. Repeating this sequence a few times during each workout will melt away maximum unwanted fat and reduce your love handles.

2. Do complete strength exercises – Most people make the error of avoiding exercising certain parts of their bodies. Performing full strength and resistance exercises increases your general muscle mass. Muscle mass burns off more fat each minute (because muscle mass burns probably the most calories to be able to sustain itself).

3. Watch everything you eat – So that you can lose those love handles, you have to reduce your fat and calorie consumption. Lessen sugary sodas, pastries, take out, fried food, and fatty dishes. Cutting down on your fat intake allows the body to burn fat deposits like the ones that are responsible for your love handles.

4. Work your abs – You have to work your abs, especially your obliques (the ab muscles that run-down each side of the abdomen). Increasing abdominal muscle mass will always make it appear firmer and slimmer.

5. Drink enough water – You should drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Yes, it may seem difficult but having enough water causes the body to work better and melt away more calories. Additionally, it prevents water retention.

6. Sleep a minimum of 7 hours every night – Your body develops muscle mass as it sleeps; more muscle mass means more burned off calories and fat. Can you see where I am going with this? Unless you sleep enough, you won't develop the maximum muscle mass and burn off less fat.

Incorporate these 6 steps into your routine and soon you'll be on your way to ridding yourself of your love handles.

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